Thursday, March 21, 2013

Confessions of New Fattie

To answer the quiet murmurings, raised eyebrows, and out and out comments, YES, I have recently gained weight. 20 pounds to be exact. I am no longer the size 0 I was from 2007 to 2010. I am now a tried and true -- gasp-- size 6-8.  There it is....true confessions of a woman who spoke out loud the taboo subject of "How much does XX weight?"

In recent weeks, much ado has been made about my weight gain, from well-intentioned loved ones who thought it their business to comment. I guess they didn't think I was aware of it, or I don't care. The truth is that I DO recognize it, I DO care, and I DO intend to do something about.

So here's the skinny.... (or the fat in my case, huh?)

About 8 years ago, following the birth of my second child at just under 38 years old, I realized springing back to my petite frame was not as easy as it used to be. To help cope with turning the dreaded 40 and handle the stress of losing my terminally ill mom, I joined at gym in 2007. It was life changing. While I was always petite, skinny even, I wasn't necessarily 'in shape'. I think that people equate thin with good health. The truth was that my cholesterol was probably a little high, I did not get much intentional exercise, and my energy was rather low. Joining a gym changed my life. While improving my cardio and overall health, I also developed a strong core, flat abs, strong upper body and more self-confidence in my appearance than I had ever had before.  The bonus is that in the process I lost the last of the baby weight (with my daughter almost 3) and slimmed down to a cool zero.  My proudest moment was while at Gold's Gym, a 20 something came up to my while I was working with free weights and asked if I was getting ready for competition. More like getting ready to run car pool, but thanks, guy!!

During this same time, I sought help for my severe chronic insomnia issues. With most insomnia medications actually suppressing appetite, I suppose it aided it my overall weight loss. Of course, just like contestants on the Biggest Loser maintaining this size and motivation for the gym was a challenge. Ever involved in my kids' schools, my church, and life in general, carving out that dedicated time for strength and cardio training became a little less of a priority. And my weight went up by an acceptably health 5-10 pounds and I stabilized as a size 4 about 3 years ago. Until about 7 months ago. Enter the weight gain.

Now I can tell you exactly what went wrong. First, my sleep medications changed time and time again until--did you guess it--seven months ago. My sweet doctor and I found a medicine combination that has been working for me, without the common side effects I've had in the past, and does not have a dependency....Nor does it taper off in effectiveness. Friends, after a lifetime of chronic fatigue, I finally have a winner.  The only downside is that it is happens to drastically increase your appetite. Even knowing this, I felt the up side to this was more important than a little weight gain from trying to stay satiated.

To complicate matters, Adam's health took a drastic negative turn in August 2011 and by April 2012, we were seeing specialist after specialist getting his diagnosis. For the entire last year, I have been working tirelessly to get Adam the best medical specialists around. He and I were on and out of a specialized children's hospital twice a week for months and I was taking care of him when he had strep throat for 4 solid months this past fall. Add that to my own strep throat infection that lasted 4 rounds of antibiotics from Thanksgiving to mid January, and it spells weight gain disaster. To the tune of 20 pounds as you might recall.

As a life time skinny, this has been a challenging time for me. I hate the extra weight.  I have outgrown almost all my dress slacks and jeans, and I don't feel good about myself at all. After listening to well intentioned loved ones share their concern about this weight gain, I understand why there is such an epidemic of eating disorders. God forbid, I gain just a little weight. I am hardly fat and I am still on the receiving end of rude comments. Even though I am still well under the average size 12-14, this is the heaviest I have ever been and it's been hard. Until recently, though, it was about survival. Now that life has gone back to its 'normal'  state of busy, I am getting back to the gym. Without any other major changes, I have already lost 2 pounds. At least my scale is heading in the right direction.

My goal is to lose the entire 20 pounds by early June.  I have roughly 10 weeks to lose roughly 20 pounds. At 2 pounds per week, I think my goal is reasonable. But work outs are not going to be enough to combat my extra calories. So, friends, my desire is to start replacing one meal a day with juicing. Having watched two amazing documentaries on Netflix -- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead  and Hungry for Change-- I really think eating cleaner and truly getting all the fruits and vegetables our bodies need can give me the extra nutrition I need.  The health benefits of juicing are amazing and totally worth my time, effort and cost.  I hope that the kids will juice with me this summer, not replacing meals for them, but supplementing. I think my kids, especially Adam, will benefit from the added veggies, in particular.

Gone, too, are the days where I can eat whatever or whenever I want. I am closer to 50 years old than 40 so my metabolism may be catching up with me. Snacking after dinner is probably my biggest downfall.  Sometimes I feel that maybe I did not consume enough day time calories and I am making up for lost ones at night.  Last night I did not eat anything after dinner. I thought about food all evening long but I made it without anything more than water.  Just in one day, I noticed I was much less bloated in the morning. If I continue to feel better in the morning from no more snacking at night, that will be all the motivate I need to continue it.

Not only will I feel better and look better, maybe the nasty, snarky comments will stop.  Then people can find something better to do with their time.


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