Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sweet Silence of Relief

Happiness. Contentment. Peace. Joy. Agape love. Romantic love. Accomplishment. Satisfaction. These are all common attributes and emotions that if asked, what is your favorite, likely one of these would be your answer. Afterall, who doesn't want to be happy or joyful? We all want to experience love from another human being. Content and peacful in the midst of our circumstances.  They are all emotions any of us would like to experience at any given time.

In our day of want and greed and keeping up with the Joneses, I'd bet that a lot people polled would answer accomplishment. Men in particular are driven by their careers and find a lot of their identity wrapped up in their successes at work. As a mother, I certainly judge my accomplishments by the house I keep, the raising of my children, and the health of my marriage.  Are my kids polite, well behaved, educated? Is my life in order or chaos? Would my husband see me as the Proverbs 31 woman, finer than gold, satisfying his needs so that he is not tempted by pornography or by other women? Accomplishment is a big one for sure.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with any of these "answers" mine is actually quite different. For me, my favorite emotion is relief.  Oh, the joys of relief. 

Finding the right combination of medication to be free of pain.

The relief of financial burdens by an unexpected gift or raise or bonus. Or in today's economy, finding a stable career after under- or un-employment. Relief that the mortgage or rent is paid and you have food on your table.

Finding your lost keys or wallet. Relief.

The relief of loneliness and fear when your loved one returns from serving our country in war-times.

Whether it is the simple every day moments you find yourselves breathing a sigh of relief -- the grouchy child has just fallen asleep at naptime, or your to-do list is checked off and you can sit back and relax -- or the major moments, selling a home and moving or completing a huge project by its deadline--relief is an awesome feeling.

Whereas I look at being happy or joyful as being more subjective and elusive on some days, relief is something I find myself feeling several times a day. Ahh...you can almost hear it.

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